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Dealing With Depression

Have you ever felt so helpless,
you did not know what to do?
Has your life become a burden,
where you’ve had enough of you?

Has your anger got the best of you,
from daily irritation?
Have you thought of desperate measures
that would end your aggravation?

Do you want to change?  To feel fulfilled,
but really not sure how?
Are you patient in your wait for it.
Like me, do you want it now?

Has the smile you had, as a younger soul,
been taken from your face?
Are your thoughts so low, that you truly feel,
you are taking up valuable space?

Do you want to cry but the tears won’t flow.
Instead you are filling with rage?
Does the anger fly at the slightest things?
Is it something you often engage?

Does it leave the regret, that it usually does?
To those with a conscience, at least?
Do you wish, that you had it in better control?
More so, do you wish it was ceased?

If so, I know your feelings!
I, myself, have felt those ways.
I feel a whole lot better, now.
I still have dreary days.

They’re nothing like they use to be.
It almost feels too strange.
If you’ve dealt with dark depression,
then you know how that can change.

The lack of inspiration!
The fatigue and worried mind!
The elusiveness of happy,
that, it seems, you cannot find!
The vacancy of hopefulness,
refusing to be shed.
The dark, dark thoughts of dying.
or of living full of dread!

Depression is a lonely place.
No easy way to leave!
Escape is just a temporary
thing that most achieve.
For me, I have an answer,
as complete as I can see.
It’s believing in the Savior,
who had swore, he’d set me free.

From what I’ve seen, his Word is true.
He’s doing it, for real!
As long as I am close to him,
there’s something that I feel!

Something I’ve not felt, so long.
Since I was just a boy.
A feeling deep inside my heart.
A feeling of pure joy.

The feeling isn’t always there,
and I can tell you why!
The devil tends to tempt me,
and misleads me with a lie.

The next thing that I know is
I have lost my Savior’s sight.
I know when that has happened,
when I start to feel that fright.

And so I run back to him,
just as quickly as I can.
My way don’t work!  I proved it!
Jesus has a better plan.

So long as I am pleasing him,
and going about his will.
I feel instead of climbing,
I am coasting down the hill.

For me it took a drastic change.
I took my pledge to heart.
I gave my life to Jesus
and I vowed to do my part.

In doing this, I’ve finally found,
the peace and joy I’ve sought.
The truth is in your Bible
and the lessons Jesus taught!