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I’m Feelin’ a Little Depressed

Don’t know how much this brain can take.
Something soon has got to break.
I just can’t keep my mind from racing,
thru all the problems I am facing.

My head just throbs as pressures build.
My stress department’s overfilled.
As soon as one thing goes away,
something else comes into play.

It’s bad enough I want correction,
on top of that I seek perfection.
Never meeting expectations.
Disappointments! Aggravations!

My only break is when I sleep.
Even then my troubles creep.
It’s worse than I had realized.
I’m totally immobilized.

I have no clue what steps to take.
Only fears of all at stake.
My feelings stink, I’m sad to say.
It seems I’m angry day to day.

Guilty, shameful, helpless, hurting.
Suicidal thoughts, I’m flirting.
Thank God my kids depend on me,
or else I’d put an end to me.

The pain is unbelievable.
It’s almost unconceivable.
I feel that it is here to stay.
That it might never go away.

So many folks worse off than me.
That doesn’t set my problems free.
Or lessen them in any ways.
Or brighten up my dreary days.

And so you have my full confession.
An inside look on deep depression.
A good note as I end this letter.
It can’t get worse! It must get better.