Life Seems Just a Little Unfair
While trying to raise both my children myself,
to give them the things that they need.
While trying to go into business myself,
losing hope that I’ll ever succeed.
While trying to be a good servant to God.
Outstanding, my role in the church.
While looking to find me a woman to love me,
not having much luck in my search.
While trying to be a good friend. To be giving,
although I have not much to give.
While trying to find me a life more fulfilling.
To change, how it is that I live.
While dealing with problems, I face all too often.
While looking for answers not found.
While bills pile up and the funds pile down,
these bonds of life keep me so bound.
Small wonder at times that I get so depressed,
that I just want to lay down and die.
Just wish I had someone who cared in the least.
A shoulder on which I could cry.
I’m lonely! I’m aching! I’m tired! I’m hurting!
My life is in need of some change.
Some things to be rid of. Some things to pick up on.
Some things that I just need to change.
All of these problems of which I’m confronted.
Problems that cause me such pain.
On top of all that, they have me locked up now,
in a place for the ment’ly insane.
How stinking unfair, that someone like me,
who struggles to do so much good.
Be taken away from my home and my kids,
for being a bit misunderstood.