My mission is to attempt to write a series of books, that have the sole intent of ministering to people who are struggling with earthly issues. To reveal their problems to them as God has revealed them to me. Beyond writing these books, it is my objective to see that they are written to be extremely effective in ministering God's word and revealing his holy approach to overcoming the issues, on which I am focusing. To seeing that they are dispersed where they are needed. To, eventually, make them available in bookstores, with the hopes that they are known for their ministering properties and their surprising effectiveness.
To see everything, in its entirety, on my website. To promote it wholeheartedly and ambitiously, to assure its rapid success. To reach out to as many people, as I am capable of reaching, through Internet, radio, newspaper and any other media means that I am able to expose this ministry through. To make this ministry tool available to everyone! To encourage, inspire and educate all who are willing to use it, for the purpose it was designed to be used for. To network the outreach concept as far as I can reach, with a "Revival" message clearly in mind!
To set souls free, by spreading the truth of Jesus Christ as far as I can possibly spread it! To go where God leads me! To grow as he allows me! To love, unconditionally, with his compassion and consistency! To forgive with his sincere empathy and absolute understanding! To minister with his dying desperation to reach these lost souls before they are devoured by the enemy! To obey the command, which he had given to me, to the best of my ability for as long as I should live!
To die of my flesh, and to be raised in his likeness! To glorify and magnify him, wherever I go! Whatever I do! To represent him as, I believe, he would have me to! To be the obedient child, that I swore I would be!
In the end I want to leave behind, a legacy of spiritual guidance and reassurance, contained within the pages of my poetry. My prayers and wishes are that I (with the remainder of my lifetime) will create and develop a ministry that will live long after I am gone! That it will not only live, but gain in ministering power and popularity. That it will continue to bring people closer to the Lord and, only gain in momentum!
I want to be remembered as the guy who made a difference in this world out of his love, compassion, and his obedience towards that special friend of his, who laid his life down on a cross, to pay for his sin.
My mission is to give my life to Christ, completely and whole-heartedly! To serve him to the best of my ability, without hesitation! To acknowledge and to understand God's perfect will for me!
To acquire, and to maintain, the strength and endurance, that it is going to take to get me through this challenging quest that the Lord has laid before me.
I go forth boldly in the name of Jesus Christ......
Please, pray for my mission!
Steve Ackerman
God Has Gave Me His Assignment
(a poem)