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A Disaster I Couldn't Have Imagined

I was just cleaning up, after hours of work.
It was late, I was anxious to rest.
I was putting the soda away for my mom.
It was last on my list of request.

A minute to go and I could go home.
Least that’s what I expected to be.
Then God, feeling funny, came up with a joke.
And he graciously played it on me.

I was carrying sodas, root beers in fact.
One too many I had painfully learned.
I was one step away from completing this quest,
when my tide had so viciously turned!

A can in my arms found its way to the floor.
Hear is where God played his joke.
In this high pressured can of this sugary mess,
with precision two holes he did poke.

One hole in each end in, placed in opposite sides
So perfectly, properly placed;
Sent the can in a spin with a hi-pressure spray!
Never once such a problem had I faced.

It happened so quick; I could not get control.
This disaster took place in slow motion.
In just fifteen seconds my life flashed before me.
And all of it’s worst of emotions.

This can wasn’t kind, spinning just in one place.
It was spinning like some fireworks prop.
I tried to get hold of it. Somehow controlling it!
The darn thing, it just wouldn’t stop.

The spray it was throwing began at my ankle.
Gave reason enough I should dread.
But this spray was quite thorough in what it had covered.
It went well past the top of my head.

A sugary, sticky, root beery mist
Was everywhere that I dared to look.
Like nothing I ever imagined could be.
In such a short instant it took.

The day that I worked at and got so much done,
this one stupid act had depleted!
The cleaning we did is at four hours now.
With two to four more to complete it!