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Steve's Guestbook Thank you for showing an interest in my Web site. Please take a moment to sign my guestbook. Thank you. Page 1 of 6 (Total Entries: 59) ============= August 27th 2014 01:43:56 AM What is your name? Darlene Schroeder Do you have any comments? May God bless you Steve in heaven, you will always be thought of and truly missed. Writing this today on your birthday August 27, 2014. It was a Darlene Schroeder (Luebstorf) ============= February 16th 2013 06:01:14 PM What is your name? JA Do you have any comments? RIP Steve - -- Punch him for me, will you, Steve? ============= March 5th 2009 06:01:45 PM What is your name? Jodi M. How did you find this Web Site? Steve Do you have any comments? Great website and great getting to know you Steve!! ============= November 12th 2008 10:38:32 AM What is your name? Cherry Mendoza How did you find this Web Site? Liezl told me Where are you from? Janesville Do you have any comments? Hi Steve, Thanks again for the beautiful poem for my birthday. It is very special. The entries you have in your website are profound and heatrfelt. They are inspirational and I pray that the Lord will continue to use your talent to reach other people and help them. The Lord loves you and deeply cares for you. ============= October 21st 2008 04:56:25 PM What is your name? John DuMars How did you find this Web Site? Steve Ackerman Where are you from? Fort Atkinson Do you have any comments? Steve, you have been an blessing by your words and poems, continue to shine for Christ, thanks for all the encouragments in your website. May God richly bless your life. ============= July 21st 2008 07:38:43 PM What is your name? Jeanne What is the Title of your Web Site: Rapid Drug Detox Center Where are you from? West Bloomfield, Michigan Do you have any comments? Hello Steve, I think about you and hope you are doing well. Give me a call sometime; I would like to know how things are going for you. 1-888-825-1020....Jeanne ============= May 20th 2008 11:44:35 PM What is your name? Betty How did you find this Web Site? Thru a program called Stumble Upon -- I think I wantered off and into your site. Where are you from? Phoenix, Arizona Do you have any comments? I truly enjoyed and agreed with your patriotic poems. I feel that Our President has been dealt with very badly by the press. We were told that it would take a long time but most Americans don't have the patience of gnats! ============= October 25th 2007 05:14:00 PM What is your name? Jeanne Katz-head nurse What is the Title of your Web Site: Rapid Drug Detox Center A Description of your Web Site: Opiate Drug Detoxification Treatment and addiction information How did you find this Web Site? Steve Where are you from? Farmington Hills, Michigan Do you have any comments? I am very glad Steve, that you directed me to your website. These poems are very inspirational and they really make a person think. It is good to share these thoughts with others. Steve, you have a talent for writing. These are written from the "heart" and you have a lot to say. Thank you...Jeanne ============= November 27th 2006 03:56:03 AM What is your name? ISABEL MIRANDA How did you find this Web Site? A FRIEND GIVE IT TO ME Where are you from? PHILLIPINES Do you have any comments? WELL I JUST WANT TO SAY HI TO YOU STEVE AND TO MY BESSIE LIEZL. I MISS YOU BOTH! HERS MY WEBSITE I REALY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU BOTH!!!!!!! IMISS YOU ============= September 21st 2006 06:10:35 AM What is your name? T Do you have any comments? What a kind person you seem to be.