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A Fountain of God-given Wisdom

There's a book that I try to read, daily.
The wisest book I've ever read.
God's bread that he gave us to feed on.
His Gospel message to spread.
One section, that grabs my attention,
that has so much wisdom to give.
I follow the lessons I learn there.
It teaches me just how to live.
Proverbs is where I go, daily.
To fill my head, clear, with the truth.
I wish I'd have studied them sooner.
I might have done more with my youth.
I dwell on each verse and relate it,
to how it might help, where I'm weak.
I find many answers to questions
which, throughout my whole life, I did seek.
If one could just follow that wisdom,
they would find their life changed, likewise mended.
Regret and remorse, they would not leave behind,
come the time that their life had been ended.