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You, First, Must Admit There's a Problem

From my own personal experiences and, based on human nature, the biggest problem, it seems to me, is that people are not willing to admit that they have a problem when it comes to their abusing of controlled substances. I was one of them, myself, for twenty-plus years.

If they are willing and aware, too often, they are not informed nor do they have the courage to face this problem in a manner that is effective in getting any successful results.

My intentions in this chapter are to help you to recognize any problems that might relate to you (or a loved one) and to impress upon you an urgency to take a stand at seeing action is taken before any more damage is done.

Admitting is the first step. From there, facts are needed! A plan must be put into action! Perspectives and attitudes must change! And a life must be changed, for the better in this case!

Unless these steps are taken, the one directly affected will more than likely die from their disease or some complication resulting from it, upsetting or destroying the lives of those around them. Those that care for them most.

You can continue to live in denial and suffer from the same problems, hurt the same people and throw away the life that God intended you live to its fullest, to only grow old and live with regret as your addiction spins out of control. You can spend a life behind bars or institutionalized for some other mental breakdown or crazy behavior brought on by continued abuse of your chemicals, or you can:

Admit there's a problem and do something about it!