This chapter is designed to help you get an idea of what addiction is and to help you to recognize it, whether it be within yourself, or whether it is affecting those you love most.
As most people are aware, there are several things to be addicted to. Money, sex, gambling, power etc… My story is regarding drugs and alcohol. However, many of the symptoms, penalties, and remedies are the same. Regardless if you are an addict yourself or not, I believe that you will find great insight within the pages of this book.
It is my intention to make you more aware of the signs and symptoms of addiction. To share with you some of the harmful affects addiction has, or that it will have, as it takes control of your life, or the life of someone close to you.
I hope to make you more aware of the vast extremeness of this problem that we, as a nation, face. Our nation is not the only one where this problem exists. It is global. We are being robbed of our youth, and I truly believe that not enough effective measures are being taken toward this war against drugs that we have waged!
I hope that this message will be enough to divert you from getting any deeper into your addiction, if that is your case, or to stop you from even getting involved, if you are fortunate enough to still have that claim to attest to.
And last but not least, to help you, as an affected family member or friend, to have a better understanding of what it is, that the person that you are concerned for, is going through. To help you to deal with it in a more effective manner. To enable you to make a difference in someone’s life, whether it be your own or someone else’s.