Hallelujah! You have made the right decision. You have took the biggest step and decided to abstain from your addiction. I hope you have, at least. Now, to make sure that you are successful in your efforts.
There is a saying in A.A. that what is the biggest reason for relapse is H.A.L.T. Hungry! Angry! Lonely! Tired!
There is no doubt about it - if you do not get busy doing healthy, positive, active things in a sober environment, you will return to your using scene. You need to start a whole new life, filled with new friends, activities, thinking and beliefs.
Do not let yourself get bored, discouraged, or overwhelmed with the thought of living out the rest of your life without the drugs or booze that have been such a large part of your life.
In this chapter, I offer ideas of things to do to get you off on the right foot. Hopefully you will have ideas and interests of your own, and this section will inspire you to get off your butt and start doing them. If you sit around moping and whining, you are not gonna make it. If you do, you will experience what they call a "dry drunk", and you will be so miserable that even if you do remain clean and sober, it isn't going to do you any good.
Life was meant to be lived. We get one shot at it. We have wasted enough time. It is time to smell the roses and taste all the sweet fruits that God has given us to enjoy the short time we exist on this planet. When I was using I considered myself a complete loser! Because I lost so much. Financially! Health wise! Relationships!
Now that I am clean, good things are coming to me. My happiness is genuine. I still struggle with temptation and desire to party, but I know what I will be giving up and, to me, it ain't worth it.
My first several attempts at sobriety I failed miserably. This time I got myself busier than a one legged cat in a litter box. Busy with positive things. Writing my books! Putting together my website! Singing in the church choir! Raising my kids and spending quality time with them! Building my decks and pursuing my dreams. Making progress!
Before, a brand new Harley Davidson was not a realistic desire. Today I have one, and I would not if I was still out there using and abusing. My friendships are genuine and I am happy.
Set some goals. Keep yourself busy. You can be happy too. Only you can make it happen. Why don't you give it a try?