As citizens of the United States, we live in the greatest land on the planet. We have freedoms and liberties most people never imagine. We have food, shelter, jobs and a powerful military that guarantees these freedoms and liberties will remain.
These days our focus is on Terrorism and the fears that they are invoking with Nuclear, Chemical and Biological threat. These are just reasons to be alarmed; however, we have a problem, right now, that is killing our children and our elderly at an alarming rate. I do not have the numbers of drug and alcohol related deaths on a daily basis, but I am sure that it is more than 9/11 on a daily basis.
I am talking about overdoses, car accidents, drug and alcohol related illness, suicides. Not to mention the crimes that are committed every day, that are drug and alcohol related. Our prisons and jails are full of criminals, the majority of them incarcerated for drug and alcohol related crimes. Are you seeing the magnitude of this problem yet?
There are broken homes, fatherless and motherless children, financial ruin, bankruptcies and bad debts that affect each one of us in retail costs. There is so much crime that is being gotten away with. Theft, rape, physical abuse, murder, all of them often drug and alcohol related. Families are being torn apart everywhere that you look. Our homeless shelters have waiting lists. The drug lords are getting filthy rich while our youth are being robbed of their innocence and potential, giving up the best years of their life to be a part of the party that seems to be, more and more, becoming a way of life for high schoolers and college students throughout this wonderful land of ours.
We are losing this war against drugs, and in the process, are providing the terrorists money that supports their ambitions. People, young and old alike, are dying needlessly, and it seems to me that most people want nothing to do with this subject. They would rather not bother with it, let alone burden themselves with it. Often it is their own children that suffer. I am doing something about it.
My heart goes out to these kids who are missing their daddies and mommies. To these friends of mine, who had such potential, throwing their lives down the tubes. To those who have lost their hope, I intend to offer them some of my own. I am getting involved in a big way, and I hope that you are inspired to get involved in at least a small way, even it is just in your own family.
All I know is that something needs to be done. That the more people who get involved, the better our chances of making a difference while there is still hope. For many there is no hope. They have either overdosed or are spending the remainder of their lives in prison. With that thought in mind, if you can be a positive influence in one life, you have made a difference. Please don't ignore this message. Help me make a difference, won't you?